Business Development

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Your Business Development Plan brings your Value Proposition to life. Make sure customers know who you are. Your Business Plan is a living document, Your guide for navigating the path to success and meeting unexpected turns along the way.

Don’t keep Your Company a secret. Your Value Proposition is the voice of Your Company. It is your promise of value and commitment to customers. Make Your Voice heard.


  • Value Proposition

  • Action Plan for seamless execution of the sales and marketing strategies

  • Competitive market analysis, buyer insights, and current tends

  • Pricing structure and sales programs that meet margin and growth goals

  • Promotions built around customer and market trends

  • New product development

  • Visual Branding Assessment

  • Competitive factor analysis              

  • “Outsell” the competition strategies

  • Software review and analysis

A customized Sales and Marketing Plan is the roadmap to achieving your goals.


New Business Development

  • “Out of the Box” strategies, targeting new channels, customers and industry groups

  • Best practice approach for each targeted new business area

  • Programs and promotions for new business

  • Mutually beneficial partnerships for growth and expansion

Your business needs to constantly be looking for new markets to grow. We’ll show you how to recognize new development areas.


Customer Engagement

  • Customer Engagement that tells customers you care

  • Customer Engagement Strategies that provide programs and promotions for growth and profitability

  • Proactive Customer support of customer needs

  • Key Customer insights on market trends, new products, and new markets

  • Leverage past relationships for potential new opportunities

  • Conflict resolution processes that ensure valuable relationships are preserved

  • Learn how to recapture lost business

Customers deserve your attention and dedication to providing them with the best possible experience. Engaging customers and understanding their business, provides an opportunity to create solutions for growth.


Revenue And Margin Growth

  • Identify potential revenue growth areas

  • Develop programs that meet both company and customer profit and margin expectations

  • Recapture lost revenue and grow existing business

  • Understand the importance of Return On Investment for you and your customers

  • Understand margin and markup

Profitable growth for both you and your customer is the cornerstone of building a business that can continually grow and meet new opportunities.


Market Approach

  • Convey your Value Proposition across all material

  • Market overview  - Capitalize on current trends, before your competition.

  • Market Analysis  - Understand who your customers are and how to make an impact for them

  • Website review

  • Marketing materials designed for specific channels

In today’s competitive world, don’t keep your business a secret. Make sure customers remember who you are with consistent, impactful, and relevant messaging.


Visual Branding

  • Visual Brand assessment

  • Style guide with one cohesive brand message 

  • Sales material built around your Value Proposition

  • Website layout and design that reflects lifestyle of the brand

  • Social media campaign templates delivering your message effectively

  • Email marketing template designs for B2B and B2C

  • Blog article layout and design maximizing searchability

  • Trade show booth layouts optimizing traffic flow

  • Packaging that gets product off the shelf

  • Product lifestyle photography shows the world who you are

Visual Branding is not just making sure your company delivers the right  message. It establishes a strong corporate identity that determines how customers perceive you. Both internal and external communication should present a consistent Corporate message.


Promotional Marketing

  • Promotional Marketing - cost versus return on investment

  • Effective email and social media marketing campaigns

  • Targeted promotions for both new and existing customers

Promotional Marketing is a powerful tool to gain brand awareness and new business. Make the most of resources by knowing the Who, What, When and Where of promotions.


Trade Shows

  • Understand the importance of Budget and Return on Investment for Trade Shows

  • Target the right shows to build your brand

  • Pre-show and Post Show marketing strategies

  • Lead management – What happens to all those leads

Trade Shows bring you face to face with new customers and existing customers. The goal of every Trade Show is to grow business and brand awareness.